- Selected publications and conference contributions of the WRNZ team -
Sutherland-Stacey, L. Shucksmith, P. and Austin, G. (2011), "A mobile rain radar for high resolution hydrological observations in New Zealand", New Zealand Journal of Hydrology 50(2), 339-360
Read about the X-band radar in the New Zealand Journal of Hydrology
Joseph, T., Sutherland-Stacey L., Donald N. and Austin G. (2015, May 12-14) "The use of rain radar measurement for hydraulic modeling" [Conference proceedings]. OzWater Conference, Adelaide, Australia
Read about the use of X-band radar for sewer modeling in Auckland
Sutherland-Stacey, L., Joseph, T., Austin, G. and Brown, N. (New Zealand Local Government Magazine), August 2016, page 42.
Also presented at NZ Stormwater Conference, Nelson, 18 May 2016
Read about using rain radar to estimate the return period of urban flood events in the NZ Local Government Magazine
Sutherland-Stacey, L., Joseph, T., Austin, G., Brown, N. and Williams, K. (2017, Sep 20-22) "Operational use of rain radar in Auckland" [Conference presentation]. Water NZ, Hamilton, New Zealand
Read about the operational use of the rain radar in Auckland
Nicol, J. and Sutherland-Stacey, L. (2020, Nov 23-27). "Doppler radar spectral retrieval of drop size distributions and vertical air motion" [Conference presentation]. MetSoc Annual Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand
Reboredo, B., Sutherland-Stacey, L., Nicol, J. and Brown, N. (2020, Nov 23-27). "A new rainfall dataset for the Auckland region" [Conference presentation]. MetSoc Annual Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand
Watson, L., Nicol, J. and Sutherland-Stacey, L. (2020, Nov 23-27). "Investigation into real-time correction of radar data to account for enhancement at the bright band" [Conference presentation]. MetSoc Annual Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand
Sutherland-Stacey, L., Reboredo, B., Nicol, J. and Brown, N. (2021, May 12-14). "Performance evaluation of a decadal rainfall radar record for Auckland Council" [Conference proceedings]. Stormwater Conference, Tauranga, New Zealand
Read about the performance evaluation of rainfall radar for Auckland Council
Keats, B. and Sutherland-Stacey, L. (2021, May 12-14). " Assessing the errors involved in estimating rainfall from rain gauge records" [Conference proceedings]. Stormwater Conference, Tauranga, New Zealand
Read about the assessment of errors in the estimation of rainfall from rain gauges
Nicol, J., Sutherland-Stacey, L., Reboredo, B., Austin, G., Keats, B., Watson, L., Oudenhoven, H. (2021, Nov 25). "A Auckland rainfall observation test bed" [Conference presentation]. MetSoc Annual Conference, various locations, New Zealand
Reboredo, B., Sutherland-Stacey, L. and Nicol, J. (2021, Nov 30 - Dec 2). "A decadal comparison of tipping bucket rain gauge, radar and satellite derived rainfall estimates in the Auckland region" [Conference presentation]. pp. 176-177. 60th NZHS Annual Conference, Wellington (hybrid), New Zealand
Reboredo, B., Sutherland-Stacey, L. and Nicol, J. (2022, Feb 8-17). "Comparison of tipping bucket rain gauge, radar and satellite derived rainfall estimates in the Auckland region". [Conference presentation]. 13th ICSHMO Conference, Christchurch (hold virtual), New Zealand
Nicol, J. and Sutherland-Stacey, L. (2022, Feb 8-17). "Absolute calibration of weather radar using ground clutter and vertically profiling radar". [Conference presentation]. 13th ICSHMO Conference, Christchurch (hold virtual), New Zealand
Keats, B., Sutherland-stacey, L., Nicol, J. and Reboredo, B. (2022, Feb 8-17). "Nowcasting as a flood forecasting system: A catchment focused case study from Auckland, New Zealand". [Conference presentation]. 13th ICSHMO Conference, Christchurch (hold virtual), New Zealand
Fordham, K., Brown, N., Sutherland-Stacey, L., Reboredo, B. and Nicol, J. (2022, May 18 - 20). "Where is the rain? - The future of rainfall data". [Conference presentation]. Stormwater Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand
Sutherland-Stacey, L., Nicol, J. and Reboredo, B. (2022, Aug 29 - Sep 2). "Radar nowcasting in Auckland, New Zealand: A catchment focused study". [Conference presentation]. ERAD Conference, Locarno, Switzerland
Reboredo, B., Sutherland-Stacey, L. and Nicol, J. (2022, Aug 29 - Sep 2). "The assessment and validation of radar QPE for local government in the Auckland region, New Zealand". [Poster presentation]. ERAD Conference, Locarno, Switzerland
Nicol, J., Sutherland-Stacey L., Carey-Smith, T., Brown, N. and Reboredo, B. (2022, Dec 6-9). "Characterising extreme rainfall in New Zealand as a function of spatial and temporal scale using radar observations". pp. 140-141. [Conference presentation]. Hydrometsoc Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand
Sutherland-Stacey L., Fordham K., Nicol, J., Reboredo, B., Brown N., Donald N., Tomasi, N. and Cattoën, C. (2022, Dec 6-9). "Improving Auckland's rainfall observation system". pp. 199-200. [Conference presentation]. Hydrometsoc Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand
Reboredo, B., Cattoën, S., Sutherland-Stacey L. and Nicol, J. (2022, Dec 6-9). "Integrating high-resolution rain radar and spatially distributed hydrological modelling for flood forecasting in New Zealand". pp. 165-166. [Conference presentation]. Hydrometsoc Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand
Nicol, J. et al (2023, Nov 21-23). "Evaluating convective rainfall processes in high-resolution Numerical Weather Prediction" [Conference presentation]. MetSoc Annual Conference, Wellington, New Zealand
Sutherlant-Stacey, L. et al (2023, Nov 21-23). "Estimating the Auckland radar tilt" [Conference presentation]. MetSoc Annual Conference, Wellington, New Zealand
Reboredo, B., Bai, C., Fordham, K., Sutherland-Stacey, L. and Nicol, J. (2023, Nov 21-23). "Performance of the Auckland Council Rainfall Analysis system during the Anniversary Storms" [Conference presentation]. MetSoc Annual Conference, Wellington, New Zealand